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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Power Searching with Google

In Computer Applications class the past few days we have been learning many new techniques to searching on Google. These skills will be very helpful to me outside this classroom when I am trying to work on class projects or simply trying to learn something new outside of school. Two techniques that really stood out to me are the Control-F and filetype sources.
Control-F is used when you are trying to really narrow down the information you are looking for. First, you search your query and pick whatever webpage you think will help you the most. Once you are on that webpage you can hit Control-F on your keyboard and a small box will appear in one of the corners of the screen depending on what browser you are using. You then have an area where you can type in a word that you are looking for. You have the option of hitting next, previous or highlight all in order to find the information you're looking for. An example of this would be me searching 2014 Olympics. I clicked on a webpage and then hit Control-F. When I hit Control-F I typed in hockey and clicked highlight all. As I scrolled through the page I quickly found what I was looking for because the word was highlighted everywhere it was talked about. This is a helpful way to quickly and easily find the information you are looking for.
Filetype is used when you are trying to limit your results to certain kinds of files and documents. All kinds of documents have different extensions to their names. Some examples are flash file's extension is SWF and Excel file's extension is XLS. If you were trying to find an Excel file on death rates in the United States you would simply type in, death rate United States filetype:xls. This would only give you results of Excel Files. This source really helps when you are looking for specific information. It takes you to exactly what you are looking for rather than having to search through a bunch of different results.
Power Searching with Google has taught me a lot in order to find the information I'm looking for a lot quicker and easier.Control-F and filetype are extremely helpful but there are many more helpful techniques. This is a great way to quickly learn techniques that will help you many different ways, not just school.

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